week 1 recap of nights & weekends s5

Joined Buildspace S5, creating 'Hausmate', an AI for homeowners deciding DIY vs hiring pros, with tools, time estimates, and service links.

week 1 recap of nights & weekends s5

I joined Buildspace Nights and Weekends season 5.

In case you don't know what it is, it's basically 6 weeks where a group of creative people, each work on building something they truly care about.

For S5 I'm building an AI assistant for homeowners called Hausmate.

As an example, I'm a homeowner. There's often something to maintain or repair (especially if you own a 60-year-old house like I do) and sometimes I like to decide whether I want to try and fix something or pay somebody to fix it for me.

The premise of the app is as follows:

  1. Homeowners can let the assistant know their level of DIY experience and the type of project they're trying to take on.
  2. The assistant then provides an estimate of the time the project will require and lists the tools and supplies needed to perform the repair/maintenance.
  3. If the homeowner doesn't have all of the tools or supplies, they can let the assistant know what they don't have and the assistant will provide them with a URL resource for each item or tool they need so they can purchase them online or locally.
  4. Let's say the homeowner decides they just want to hire somebody, they can also let the assistant know they would rather not take on the project. The assistant then provides them with service provider information to handle the project.

The above is a high-level version of my idea. As I move into week 2 of S5, I'm working on my MVP, a browser-based application where I can begin iterating on the chat interface.